By Tony Yesso with W&M Sales and Service

Our company has been doing a little research into why GEICO is refusing to pay for calibrations and random pre/post repair scans. We have information that GEICO is currently involved in a class action lawsuit for over $5,000,000 for not paying for pre/post repair scans and essential calibrations after repairs.

This case opened December of 2013 and is set for hearing on September 14, 2021. I realize that this date is a year from now, but this information shows similarities of what GEICO is doing in your shops to that in other shops bringing light to a federal level.

I have attached some links to information about this lawsuit. This information could possibly help you in your fight for required calibrations, scan pricing/labor, and approval of quotes.

Link to GEICO position on ASTECH, AIRPRO and SUBLETS like W&M and All Clear:

Link to Class Action Lawsuit Filed in December 2013:

Link to GEICO’s Motion to Dismiss Filed in November 2018 which ended up allowing temporary dismissal of the case:

Link to Class Action Case following which shows that the case being reopened June 20, 2019 and is scheduled to be tried September 14, 2021: